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Dawson Software

Martial Arts Projects

Having had an active interest in Martial Arts since the early 1970s, I naturally do all I can to support all of my current and previous clubs.

I have trained in Wusu, Karate, Aikido, 3 styles of Kung Fu, Taekwondo, Judo and 3 styles of Tai Chi and have helped some of them by producing everything from :-

                                       * Training guidance sheets,

                                       * Advertising Posters,

                                       * Advertising Flyers and hand-outs,

                                       * Key fobs and fridge magnets,

                                       * T-shirts with the club insignia or logo,

                                       * Trade cards for the senior members and Black belts.

Currently, because of injury, I am training in Tai Chi

and have produced some items for them.

Although I no longer train with them - I still hold allegiances and want to support my old clubs in any way I can.

So I also host web sites (of my own) whose only purpose is to direct people to their web sites, thus increasing

their Internet footprint and helping to increase their public profile.   I want them to thrive.